Check Domain Availability

Check domain availability across multiple top-level domains

Frequently Asked Questions

Our Check Domain Availability is a free tool that allows you to instantly verify domain availability across multiple TLDs. It provides comprehensive domain information including WHOIS data, DNS records, and domain history, making it perfect for both individual domain searches and bulk domain checking needs.
Our Check Domain Availability performs real-time DNS and WHOIS lookups to verify domain availability. It uses server-sent events (SSE) to provide instant results for multiple domains simultaneously, making it one of the fastest domain search services available.
Yes, our Check Domain Availability is completely free to use. You can check unlimited domains and access all features including WHOIS lookup, DNS records, and domain history at no cost.
Our Check Domain Availability supports checking multiple TLDs simultaneously, including .com, .net, .org, .io, and many others. You can customize the TLD list to check domain availability across your preferred domain extensions.
Our Check Domain Availability provides highly accurate results by directly querying authoritative DNS servers and WHOIS databases. While we strive for 100% accuracy, we recommend verifying final availability with a domain registrar before purchase.
Yes, our Check Domain Availability caches WHOIS query results to provide faster response times for repeated domain checks while reducing load on WHOIS servers. This ensures optimal performance without compromising accuracy.

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